Girls on Film
Whoever coined the term ‘to age gracefully’ was clearly not in their late 40’s ...
Whoever coined the term ‘to age gracefully’ was clearly not in their late 40’s ...
I have always been quite partial to a girl’s night out even if they require weeks of military style planning to pull off...
I’ve concluded that life is like a game of footy that's played out in four quarters...
I used to be an excellent shopper back in the day … and I mean like ‘world class’ excellent...
The closest I get to ‘nothing’ is watching TV while simultaneously ironing, talking on the phone and mentally planning my agenda, meals and to do list for the next 3 days...
I’m approaching the life cycle equivalent of the land line …. good for emergencies but completely superfluous to requirements....
Jealousy is a very ugly trait, but I think it can be excused under certain circumstances … like during the last school hols … ...
As luck would have it, my 50th year also happens to coincide with my first year as a part time parent...
Iam not that cool … let’s just ‘wing it’ girl. I love a list and the absence of a plan makes me feel decidedly unsettled.. ...
I have exactly two years to physically and mentally prepare for my own personal golden jubilee. ...